Monday, December 18, 2006
Merry Christmas
Thank You for your prayers, support and generosity in 2006
We Love you all
Ronnie, Janelle & Baby Zerr +
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Ukraine (OOu-krayne)
What a great time we had in Ukraine!!! Firstly it was so wonderful for me (Janelle) to get to be a part of this trip. We went to Ukraine to celebrate with the 12 churchplanter couples their graduation from the 3 year church planting project with NLI. It was so great to see them and their excitement for the growth of God's church throughout Ukraine. They were also given some assitance from NLI to help set up a small business to contribute to providing for their families and churches while they continue to establish their
We also took a family photo in the Armsterdam airport , with clogs for the whole fam
Who do I look like?
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Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Encouragement in Turkey
(The Blue Mosque in Istanbul)
Tomorrow we leave for these churches for sustainability and strength as they continue to grow and bear fruit in Jesus’ name. It will be such a privilege for me particularly to be a part of this celebration and see the hearts of these wonderful people first hand. Look forward to letting you all know how it goes!
(Turkish Apple Tea- a must have!!)
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Isn't She Wonderful!!!
I have to admit that my wife is the most amazing woman I know. I would like to take the next few sentences and celebrate her life and the person she is to so many!
On Friday was Janelle's 27 birthday and I want to honor her for the person she has become and the blessing she is in the life of all of us who know her. So here it goes...
Janelle you are the most beautiful woman I know and so very sexy (the baby belly is very hot). You have the ability to affect others by your presence, you have a joy that radiates and shines right through you.
You are:
honest, caring, sincere, true, genuine, selfless, patient (you have to be being married to me),gentle, radiant, humble, faithful, kind, compassionate and loving.
You are truly a wonderful wife, and a great friend (I know I am not the only one that thinks that!!!).
So Janelle for all that you are and all that you mean to everyone who knows and loves you!
Thank you for being you and making our lives better for having you as a part of them.
Happy Birthday!!!
All My Love
Ronnie +
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Super Heroes
still why is it so hard to find a quiet space in my day to sit and "be still"? I've often felt like I need super powers to accomplish all that's on my plate. Like being able to fly from here to there, 'zap' supper into existance in a moments time, or have super hearing and eyesight to see into others hearts and souls and see what they're truly needing me to be or hear as a friend. "If only I were a Super Hero" I think to myself, " then I could accomplish everything that needs to be done". Yet two truths remain:
1- I somehow know with certainty that if I were a super hero, I would just hear more cries for help, and feel more responsibility to achieve greater things.
2- I actually DO have access to super natural powers if I only tap into the power source. How often I forget in the midst of business the power I have access to if only I ask. If only I prioritize my day to tap into God's mighty powers through His spirit, rather than try and survive on my strength alone. 'Cause with His power and strength I can achieve so much more, and hear and discern the cries that I am to attend to.
Mission: to be a super hero through God's stength, not my own, and therein find peace that passes all understanding.
(I got this link off a girlfriend's blog a few months back and thought it suiting. So I'll be WonderWoman- who are you?!)
You are Wonder Woman
| You are a beautiful princess with great strength of character. |
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test
These are Ronnie's results, I guess he got his two favorite super heroes first. But Iwatched him he answered honestly!
Your results:
You are Green Lantern
| Hot-headed. You have strong will power and a good imagination. |
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Bumpity Bump Bump
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Friday, November 10, 2006
Back in Jolly Ol' England.
After what seems like two days solid of sleep and laundry, it hit me today that we're indeed back in England (after a brilliant time visiting in Canada-man, we love you all soo much!!!). After the realization that there was absolutely nothing in our fridge this afternoon other than some Ketchup and Soya Sauce (and some other varying condiments) it was apparent that a quick trip to the village centre was inevitable to at least pick up a few staples before the big Tesco grocery shop to replenish our shelves. So I threw on a hoody and a scarf and out the door I went (Notice I didn't say my big winter parka and boots!). As I continued out our front door onto the sidewalk, a friendly smile and wave caught my attention before I could get too far. (Our block of row housing all faces inward towards a park, creating a nice neighborly feel. This also means that you pass all your neighbors front kitchen windows as you pass along the sidewalk, at a much closer proximity than your typical sidewalk. Therefore I always recieve plenty of waves and smiles and visits on my strolls into town.) Anyways, so my lovely neighbor Fran quickly openend her kitchen window to facilitate some nice neighborly british chatter. Of course she had noticed that I had been gone and guessed that I might have returned home for a visit. And since I hadn't had the chance to tell her our exciting news yet, I quickly proceeded to gush out that I was pregnant, as I'm sure only a newly expectant mother does... Hence proceeded from Fran's mouth my realization that I was indeed back in England...but sorry, I can't repeat what she said! No, not because it was foul, course language that a missionary should never repeat, but beacuse I had no idea what 3/4 of the words were!!! Seriously, I know that she was excited for me, and that they were good things that she was saying, but who knows what she actually said?! Jolly well...and bonny were the only ones I caught. She can't wait for me to start looking bonny...or something to that affect. Hopefully I'll look good "bonny"?! Will someone let me know when and if I start looking "bonny" and if I should be doing something about it?!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Come join us!!
Elim Tabernacle Church
3718- 8th Street East
(Beside Zellers- Circle Centre Mall)
in the foyer at 7:30pm
Saturday evening, Nov.4, 2006
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Oh Canada!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
It's not all bad...
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Good Times.
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Monday, September 11, 2006
trust ME
Don't worry about tomorrow, it'll take care of itself.
Each day has enough problems of its own . (Matt. 6:34)
But what about the rent, groceries, our car needing to be fixed?
Look at the birds. They don't work, save and scrounge up every penny, YET I feed them! Are you not worth soo much more? (Matt. 6:26)
Yah, I know that you love me dearly and that You're more than capable of providing for us....I mean that's what you've done all along, but...
But what?! Don't spend your time worrying about what you'll eat, drink, or wear. Instead just focus on Me- on My life, My love, My ways, and I'll take care of what you need. (Matt. 6:31-33)
So what do I do? Just sit and wait?
Ask. Seek. Find. (Matt. 7:7)
Ask- Ask me for what you need, ask me the tough questions, ask me who I am
- ask about jobs, ask hospitals, ask agencies
Seek- Seek Me, My life, My love, My ways, My heart, My plans
- seek out applications, job opportunities, nursing agencies, new postings
Find- Find Me- My provision, My peace, My love, My guidance, My plans
- find a job?!
Thanks. As hard as this is right now, Your Word is really reassuring!
Everyone who asks receives, and everyone who seeks finds. And seriously, if mere men know how to give good gifts to their children, how much more capable do you think I, your heavenly Father, am to give you, my children who are asking me, what is good. (Matt. 7:11)
Thank you. I love you.
I love you more than you can imagine! (John 3:16)(1 John 4:7-11)
Friday, September 01, 2006
Spontaneous Surprise
We had a lovely surprise last week when my sister Michelle and brother-in-law, Franz came to visit us. It was a last minute trip and was short, but absolutely lovely!!! (Franz's brother and sister-in-law live in Scotland and just had their first child, sweet little Micah!) So it was very
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
An Inspiring Story of Faith
Letter from Serbia
Please read this letter that we received from a gypsy church planter in Serbia I hope it is encouraging to you:
Dear brothers and sisters,
I want to share with you the great joy and tell you what the Lord does among His children.
We have one young man in our church who had leukemia, he was very young, only 22, but he already had two children (you know that Gypsy people get married early). He came to church with his wife and he could hardly stay for the service, beacuse of the big pain that he felt. That day we had the annointing service, as the Bible teaches. We prayed for this young man. He was crying and told me that he thought he would die, because he had leukemia, and was affraid for his children.
I asked him if he believed that the Lord Jesus Christ can heal him, and he said that he did, because he heard that the Lord has helped to so many people in the church. Few days after he came to me with tears of joy, and told me that he went to the hospital for a check-up and that the doctors told him that he doesn’t have leukemia. He brought the diagnostics from before and after the praying. Now he servs in the church, full of joy and praises the Lord for His love.
This is what the Lord does for His people.
Yours in Christ
Selim Alijevic
Gypsy Fellowship
Friday, August 18, 2006
The NHS Reality
The NHS stands for National Health Services. This is the governing body that runs the public health care system here in Britian. The Britsh Health care system is very similar to the system we have in Canada (ie. publicly funded with not enough money to cover costs).
Well the reality is that in the first few months after we arrived in England the NHS fell into crisis. There were extreme job freezes and a large number of job cuts happening because of the massive over budgets in many of the hospital in the UK.
Here are some on the news articles title at that time:
NHS job cuts 'set to quadruple' - BBC
Thousands more Jobs may go as crisis hits NHS Direct - Daily Telegraph
Cuts are symptom of an NHS in crisis - Socialist Worker Online
NHS job losses 'could reach 24,000' -
NHS remedies dominate papers - BBC
So that gives you a sense of how difficult it could be for Janelle. It is not an easy time to be trying to break into the nursing work force.
Now that Janelle has finally finished all of her bureaucratic requirements with excellence, she is diligently seeking employment where the option are presently very limited.
So we are asking you to pray!
Pray that Janelle would get the right job.
Pray that Janelle would get a job as quickly as possible.
We did not expect Janelle's qualification to take as long to go through as they did and did not budget for this long of a break, as Janelle's income is a good protion of our overall support.
So if you have been considering or thinking of joining us financial on this journey and becoming a partner in that way, now would be a wonderful time.
We would greatly appreciate your support and help at this time in our wonderful journey.
We are also very grateful and thankful for all those who have been supporting us so faithfully.
It has been great pleasure to be here serving and learning.
Many Blessings,
Ronnie +
Thursday, August 17, 2006
The Comfort of Corn
Funny how you have to be miles and miles away from home to figure some things out. Though its always talked about, it has a new meaning to me now: comfort food. Uusally used in a negative connotation, as food that we pig out on when we're depressed or anxious, as something we unnecessarily overindulge on. However, I've discovered a more positive reality of comfort
Thursday, August 10, 2006
The People of Poland
I was recently privileged to join Greg and a wonderful family from Calgary on a trip to Poland to meet a number of the church planters there and see their church plants.
You see my first trip was into Romania, and there Adam (a CP regional coordinator) and I were working in the infancy stage of the project. Visiting many of the establish churches in Southern Romania and learning about the vision they have for their region. Visiting villages, meeting potential church planters and learning how they are strategically moving forward to seeing churches established in these regions.
Well Poland was much different, although very beneficial for me at this time. In Poland we travelled around to a few church plants and had a chance to meet the church planters and many of the people from their churches. We had an opportunity to hear what God is doing in their lives and churches and how they are not only establishing church but practically sharing God's love to help affect and influence the communities they live in. It was great to meet a number of wonderful and vibrant leaders who have such a passion to see their cities changed not only spiritually but socially as well.
One of the couples has found such influence and favour in their city that the mayor is helping them with the food bank program they are running and wanting to see them expand it, with his help. We had the privilege of running into the mayor on the streets of this city and he thanked us for the investment we have made into their city and Derek and Monica, the Pastor of the church and his wife, and said he was grateful for the ways that it has benefited them as a community.
We also had some opportunity to minister to the churches as Greg preached a couple of time and we were able to pray for an number of individuals involved. It was great to see God allow us to be vessels of his love and minister healing, encouragement and faith into the lives of these sons and daughters of God.
So I have now had the opportunity to see both a project at it's infancy stage and one that has just finished and it has given me a real sense of what we at NLI do and why we do it. It has been great to hear about the influence we have had and how we at NLI have helped to change lives for eternity.
Thank you all for you continued prayer and support. We are very thankful for all of you who are partnering with us to help make this a reality. It is a great blessing to serve along side such wonderful people and help see God establish his life changing power throughout Eastern Europe.
If you would like to partner with us please feel free to email us or view the Partner Information in the side apendix.
We would be delighted to hear form you and give you more information on how we can start that process.
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Monday, August 07, 2006
P.S. We did have a lovely anniversary together! Thanks for all the special wishes & blessings!!!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Three wonderful years!
As three great years have come and gone,
The Son's light on us has shone.
To brighten each new glorious day,
And drive our darknesses away.
He's helped us through tough times of sorrow,
To see another bright tomorrow.
New mercies are ours with each new day,
much needed at times for things we say.
Desiring for grace and mercy to abound,
For that is where great love is found.
Love is patient and love is kind,
It does not nag nor need remind
Of all the rights and wrongs we've done
But rather tames our sworded tongue.
Through thick and thin,
Through all we've been.
Great times we've shared,
with love and care.
The best of teams,
Achieving our dreams.
My love for you,
Is deep and true.
Love, peace, hope and laughter
I pray will be ours forever after.
I love you sweetpea! Thanks for three wonderful years!! Love Jae
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Ronnie in Romania
As I arose Monday morning after being woken several times by the perspiration of my skin and restlessness that it brings, I thought of the day that had just passed and wondered if today would be the same. I remembered the countless hours of driving crammed into 2 rundown Fords, with the blistering sun heating us like an oven and the cold breeze from the open window fluctuating with the holes in the road. I recalled the countless number of horse and buggies we drove past and the numerous people we met.
That Sunday was 14 hours long including, 6 meetings in Romanian with translators, and 5 church services in Romanian. Village after village we visited, some leaving quite a hopeful impression on me.
Overall, that day was like none I have ever experienced before. And as I later found out, probably like none I will ever repeat. Although at the time I recalled thinking “is how every trip will be?”
As I lay there thinking, thoughts from the previous day crossed my mind. I recalled how we had had a number of similar experiences in those 2 days and I significantly recalled encountering some truly amazing men of God who had a desire and love for the people of their country. I thought of their desire and the sacrifice it cost them to come to an understanding of who Jesus really is.
One man was particularly stuck in my mind; he was a man of high position during the time of communism in Romania. After being radically saved at 34 years of age he was then challenged 10 years later to reach the people who were perishing in the villages of Romania, with the Good News of Jesus. He has been doing this now for 16 years! He met this challenge with great sacrifice and God richly blessed him. He has since started 6 churches in villages that previously had none. One of those villages began with only 2 young girls and has since grown into 2 churches with over 400 Christians in the village.
It was not until later in the day that I realized that every day on this exploratory journey would not be like the first two, where we meet the leaders of the church in Southern Romania, saw the places where they have vision to plant churches and met some of the potential church planters.
Although the first two days were long and full the trip was very fruitful and rewarding. It was amazing to meet the local leaders, hear the vision they have to reach the un-reached, visit the villages and meet the potential church planters.
It was also great for me to gain a better understanding into the fullness of what NLI does, why we do it and to hear the local churches’ gratitude for our partnership with them.
So for me going to Romania was a journey that I will not soon forget not only because of the long, hard and hot days we spent travelling throughout Southern Romania, but because of the great impact it had on my understanding of a number of things. Things such as the dynamics of the church in Eastern Europe, the need there is to plant churches and develop leaders who have a desire to see the good news spread throughout their country, as well as helping me to understand the role I play and how I can contribute to the big picture of what NLI is doing to help.
Ronnie +
If your faith is not affecting something, what is it worth?
Life Update
Writing Essay after essay after essay for my nursing course
Ronnie: Currently surviving the "24 hour plague"
Today's progress from yesterday: transitioned from bed to couch
Trust me, you do not want pictures!!!
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Sad Goodbye
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Tuesday, June 27, 2006
I have received the loveliest reminder this past week of the beauty and importance of friendships. Everything from the sermon at church to my daily readings to some CDs that I was listening to... really friendships are essential in our lives. We were made to be in fellowship and friendship. We actually need friends- we're not capable of doing life without them. Even Jesus had friends. He had a large group of people He fellowshipped with, a smaller group of 12 and those much needed intimate friends, His group of 3!
It's so true that honesty is a key element in a friendship. I think we all long for those safe places to share our hearts and still be loved. I know that it can be the hardest thing at times to open up with those vulnerable truthes, but then it always seems to be the most freeing, fulfilling thing to me to have my secrets released or my deep feelings embraced or my twisted thoughts understood.
I also believe that to have great friends we must be one first. Kinda like an example on a CD I was listening to by Helen Burns- its like a bank account. You can't always be withdrawing and withdrawing from a friendship, you need to make deposits too, or naturally there will be nothing left in your account (friendship). I find it so beautiful that God is a God of relationship. That He's designed us to NEED relationship. Although in relationships there is always risk, I find the rewards are greater and personally I LOVE needing people. I love how all my different friends fill a different void in my life. They all know me in different unique ways and are able to invest into my life in so many diverse ways.
My prayer is that I will be able to do the same in your lives! I'm asking you, my friends, if you would be willing to be honest with me, to open your hearts to me...I will be working on the same!
- Naturally I realize that it is not realistic to be ultra close with everyone, but that's why there's different circles, layers - and "everyone loves parfait"(For those who are clueless, its a quote from Shrek).