Friday, April 27, 2007

Caleb Roan Live

Ok it's not live, but the closest thing to it! Hope you enjoy!

We are loving being parents! Thanks for all your love, support, encouragement and kindness right here in England and from so far away! We really appreciate you all.

We will be bring him to Canada for a "Welcome Home Tour" on June 28th.

Looking forward to showing him off and seeing you!

Blessings and enjoy the show,

Ronnie, Janelle & Caleb (the coolest little man)

Day 2

Monday, April 23, 2007

Caleb Roan Zerr the 1st!

Caleb Roan Zerr (bold, without fear, brave in victory)
Born April 23 @ 5:00 Am
6 Pounds 8 1/2 Ounces
20 Inches Long

Mom & Baby are doing great. Thanks for all your prayers. Had to have an emergency C-section, ends up the cord was wound around his leg. Everyone is doing great and we are already loving this little guy!

Please click on the picture to view the Web Album online.

Many Blessings

Ronnie, Janelle & Caleb Roan!

Caleb Roan Zerr - April 23rd, 2007

Sunday, April 15, 2007

One Year!

Here is a pictorial remeberance of how the last year has been. We have had a great year and are loving the privilege of being here in England working with NLI and serving the church in Europe!
Blessings to you all and thank you very much for your prayers, support and encouragement that has made it all possible.

Leaving Home, Family and Friends, so many mixed emotions...

Life in England and the many visitors!

Working In Europe, serving the great people who want to see their counrties changed by God Amazing Love!

Coming back to Canada, because God plans were different then ours. He is so loving and faithful! So Great to see our wonderful friends and family again.

Settling into life in England and more encouraging visits from great friends & family!

Thank you for all you prayer, support and encouragement we could not be serving Europe without you! We are very grateful for you all in our lives!!!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Hasn't arrived yet...

One and a half weeks till due date! So just waiting around, keeping busy and trying to take in some R&R and sleep while we can!
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