Sunday, December 03, 2006

Isn't She Wonderful!!!

I have to admit that my wife is the most amazing woman I know. I would like to take the next few sentences and celebrate her life and the person she is to so many!

On Friday was Janelle's 27 birthday and I want to honor her for the person she has become and the blessing she is in the life of all of us who know her. So here it goes...

Janelle you are the most beautiful woman I know and so very sexy (the baby belly is very hot). You have the ability to affect others by your presence, you have a joy that radiates and shines right through you.

You are:

honest, caring, sincere, true, genuine, selfless, patient (you have to be being married to me),gentle, radiant, humble, faithful, kind, compassionate and loving.

You are truly a wonderful wife, and a great friend (I know I am not the only one that thinks that!!!).

So Janelle for all that you are and all that you mean to everyone who knows and loves you!

Thank you for being you and making our lives better for having you as a part of them.

Happy Birthday!!!

All My Love

Ronnie +


MoldableClay said...

Ronnie, thank you so much. You certainly honored me and I feel blessed to have a husband as wonderful as you- thanks for making my birthday so special. As you always do. I love you. Janelle said...


Hope you had a good day...
Agree with all that Ronnie said, minus the husband-wife remarks. (Those only belong to him to say.)

Love ya,
The Armitages

Vanessa said...

Happy Belated Birthday Janelle!!!!!

That's a beautiful and accurate tribute. :)

Anonymous said...

You speak truth, Ronnie. Hope you had a great day, Janelle!

tmosh said...

happy belated b-day!

Anonymous said...

I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOooo glad that we had the opportunity to finally meet and it was an honor to be together with you both - especially Janelle on your birthday!

Anonymous said...

Yes , I couldn't agree more --that is with the " Isn't she wonderful!" ,as well as I agree with ALL the kind words you used to describe Janelle. I would add that I believe she is a beautiful Woman of God ,as she is becoming ALL that God created for her to be!! Ronnie ,those are very kind,encouraging words. You are a very thoughtful and GOOD husband.I love to you both. Blezzingbee