Sunday, April 08, 2007

Hasn't arrived yet...

One and a half weeks till due date! So just waiting around, keeping busy and trying to take in some R&R and sleep while we can!
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AlisonVeritas said...

OMG what a cute tummy! I'm so excited for you!!! Keep us posted!

tmosh said...

that baby is looking likes it's droppin - on its way! i highly recommend throwing an icepack in your hospital bag and some lanoline if you can get it!!

Anonymous said...

Jae you are looking So fabulous...and SO READY to have a BABY!! those pictures make it so imminently REAL! That is what I told you I was missing seeing --all the stages--but I think that you catured them well. thanks. Mom
oh the fam started a "baby pool" as our Sunday afternoon activity. thought you might be interested to details to be revealed by YOU. Love you lots. Mom

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah...that is an amazingly "cute"tummy ,I agree with Alison.M

Anonymous said...

hey beautiful,
you still look amazing even though you may not feel like it.we are back into the cyberspace world again. we finally got a computer yesterday so we'll be checking back regularly for pics of the new zerr.

love you guys,

Anonymous said...

You look incredible! Wow - I can't wait to meet your new little one. What an amazing miracle. Hugs, Nancy

mamaktbug said...

the final weeks are the hardest! it's so hard to be patient (especially since you're so uncomfortable!) hang in'll be holding your precious baby before you know it. can't wait for you's a ride!

Anonymous said...

HI Janelle

You look great on your pictures!
Looking forward to meeting baby Zerr.

Enjoy the last few days of just being Ronnie and you- before the new chapter starts!

MoldableClay said...

Thanks for all the love and encouragement everyone! So nice to know others are excited with us and have walked this journey before us! We are sooooo excited but managing to stay fairly patient! lots of love and hugs to you all!