Thursday, July 31, 2008

July Update - Pics Included

We have had a busy and exciting (as always) month of July. Some of the highlights were:

- A trip to Spain to explore a church planting project out there with the Salem Church. We have been working alongside the Salem Churches in Spain for 3 years now training leaders and have developed a great relationship with them. They have a strong desire and passion to see churches planted and people reached with the love of Jesus in Spain. We feel privileged to journey with them and see relevant, community impacting churches initiated, growing and thriving in communities that so desperately need to know the truth and life that only a relationship with Jesus brings. There will be more to follow on Spain in the next year, as I have been asked to give leadership to this project and the work we are doing in Spain as we move forward.

- Janelle was able to join me for the last weekend of the above trip to Spain and meet many of the wonderful people we are working with and building relationships with in Spain. They are wonderful people and I was very honored that they were able to meet Janelle & Caleb and vise versa. We had a great time of fellowship. I was also able to preach at the main church in Madrid on the Sunday, it was one of the larger gathering I have been at in the church with most likely over 800 people there. We had a great time of ministry and many people responded to what God was doing amongst them, through me, that evening.

- We had our good friend Sheldon visit us for a few day here on a work trip. He arrived in the UK the same day we arrived back from Spain. He is a fellow Canadian and NLI missionary and it is always a pleasure to have him in the UK and be able to fellowship and have fun with him.

-We also had my good friend Jeremey from Canada make his summer trip to visit us for 2 weeks. I was great to have Jeremey here with us and be able to host him in this land. The joys of being a teacher having 2 month off to travel the world (oh what we don't give up for Jesus). Jeremey and I spent 2 days in London together which was very memorable indeed! We also went into Oxford for a day to vist CS Lewis' House and visit the famous pub where he and JR Tolkien would hang out, the Eagle & Child. It was so great to have Jeremey here and spend sometime together.

- Our young adults group had a chance to go and hangout one evening at one of the local historic parks called Coombe Abbey. We had a great night together having fun, eating some good BBQ and playing some american football. It was lot of fun teaching them the game and watching them catch on a little and have some fun.

- Unfortunately this month the one mom, other then Janelle (praise God), in her community mom's group who has not had to go through tragedy or hardship up till now, was diagnosed with the same rare condition as one of the other mom's in her group. She is pregnant again and this time they have discovered that she is in a situation that can be life threatening to her and her unborn baby (stage 4 placenta previa). She is currently in hospital at 29 weeks. Thankfully, Sam (the other mom with this complication) has successfully had a beautiful baby girl named Annabel. So we thank you for your prayers and we know that God is able to bring baby and mom through this. Please keep Janelle, this mom (Cheryl) & baby in your prayers.

Always love hearing from our friends, so please drop us a line and let us know how you are doing and how we can pray for you.

Also visit our prayer page for a prayer update there (click here)


Ronnie, Janelle & Caleb +

Thursday, July 03, 2008

June Update

As many of you are aware the month of June was spent in Canada reconnecting with friends, partners and sharing with many people the heart we have for the people of Europe and how God is using us to see His love shared throughout this great continent. We had a an excellent trip and a great time catching up and spending time with the many people in Canada we love so dearly.

Some of the ministry highlights of our trip back home were:

  • Being able to speak in six different church setting, in five different cities about what we are doing with NLI in Europe.
  • Being able to preach on four different occasion and seeing a number of new believers come to faith in Jesus and many other believers allowing Holy Spirit to come and heal and empower them, enabling them to be instruments of Jesus to the world they find themselves in.
  • Having an opportunity to meet with new contacts and share what God is doing in Europe and how they can get involved.

Some of our personal highlights of our trip back home were:

  • Being able to be a part of my Dad's retirement and sharing in honoring him for all the many years(36) of hard work and life, he put into his teaching and investing in the generations of youth.
  • Being a part of Kevin and Kristin's Wedding. It was a great time and a great day of celebration.
  • Being able to spend some time with and see our wonderful friends.
  • Being able to spend time with family and especially for Caleb to have them as a part of his life.

Even though our main purposes for coming back to Canada were to be there for a few significant personal events and to establish partnerships that will enable to continue doing the work God has called us to do here in Europe. It is awesome to know that when you live a surrendered life and are obedient to the things God calls you to do, He is able to do work everything together for our good and allow us to be used in mighty ways to see His love change hearts and lives along the way. This trip was just that for us.

So thank you to so many of you for making this trip so memorable and special. It is always a great pleasure to spend time to together and allow our hearts to be reunited.

Thank you for partnering with us in both finances and prayer. We highly value the role that plays in enabling and releasing us to do the work God has called us to and allows you to share in the eternal fruits of our labour here in Europe.