Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Exciting Times @ NLI

It has constantly been exciting for us since we began to venture down this road less travelled. We have been challenged, stretched, encouraged, strengthened and many other things since we started this journey to be a part of seeing the vision of NLI fulfilled throughout Europe.

Really it was the faith and vision of Ian Green that began this organization. He had a heart to see the people of Europe have an life changing experience and foundational training in the things of God, that would allow them to fulfill their personal destiny and see their communities and nations changed by God unfailing love. It was this initiative that has allowed NLI to have such significance and authority in nations such as Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Romania and most recently Spain.

However as a ministry we at NLI have recently felt that God was calling us to step out into new challenges and levels of faith that will allow us to fulfill the mandate that God has put on each of us who are a part or NLI. The anointing as a ministry to empower and release a generation of Europeans to love their neighbours and share the grace, mercy & forgiveness of God, in Jesus, that can change a life and give hope to the hopeless.

The entire NLI family has expressed a new determination toward God's call on NLI and each of our own lives that will enable us collectively to, empower a whole new generation of radical leaders to equip, transform & expand the church throughout Europe.

Specifically three goals have been established as the team looks to fulfill it's vision.

Outworking the Vision - bringing the vision to life

  • Missional Goal - To have a functional ministry relationship in all 47 nations of Europe
  • Organizational Goal - To be structured [shaped] so that we empower and multiply a new generation of leaders to create movements [organisms] to facilitate the expansion of God's Kingdom in Europe
  • Cultural Goal - Our observed organizational culture would be a true reflection of our stated core values.
Please continue to pray and support us both as a ministry and personally. Please pray that we would do our part and continue to contribute significantly in helping see this vision become a reality and lives, communities, & nations changed.

If you would like to become a partner with us, please visit our partnership page (link on the right of this page). We would be very grateful to have you join us on this journey.

Much Love & Many Blessings,

Ronnie, Janelle & Caleb +

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Please Vote for Janelle & Caleb

Just copy and paste the link below to you address bar and vote for Janelle & Caleb's picture:

once you get there simple go down to the RATE THIS ITEM title and select:

5 excellent

Cause it is!!!

PLEASE NOTE: you can vote more then once,just has to be at a different time!!!

Blessing to you all...
ps. please read our new prayer update on our prayer page linked on the right of this page, under monthly prayer updates!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Nana Reimer's Visit

Thanks mom for coming out to visit and HELP!! Your help was soo appreciate- seriously. Now its just getting into a routine without you....

All in all things are going really well here for us! We're settling into to being a family and loving it! Of course there are challenges, like lack of sleep, crying baby, feeling like I'm feeding all the time etc etc... But that's all normal stuff to be expected right?! So thanks to everyone for all the congratulations, encouragement and advice. We appreciate it and even moreso appreciate you!
On the advice topic....for all those nursing mothers (or those who have in the past), I'm just curious what foods you found you needed to avoid while breastfeeding? I know we're all different, but thought I might do a little research here if you don't mind helping me out.... Thanks
And now for more of Caleb (you might as well get used to it!) who is now 1 month old!!!

(Just click on the photo to view web album)

My time with Nana Reimer

Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy Birthday Ronnie!!!

Happy Birthday to my dear sweet husband who has also turned out to be a wonderful father (no surprise!!). I hope you have a fab day and pray that your year would be hugely blessed Ronnie - which it already has been having Caleb join our lives... Speaking of which, I couldn't resist posting more pictures of him, even though its Ronnie's day...I know you won't mind Ronnie.
Got Milk?