Sunday, April 15, 2007

One Year!

Here is a pictorial remeberance of how the last year has been. We have had a great year and are loving the privilege of being here in England working with NLI and serving the church in Europe!
Blessings to you all and thank you very much for your prayers, support and encouragement that has made it all possible.

Leaving Home, Family and Friends, so many mixed emotions...

Life in England and the many visitors!

Working In Europe, serving the great people who want to see their counrties changed by God Amazing Love!

Coming back to Canada, because God plans were different then ours. He is so loving and faithful! So Great to see our wonderful friends and family again.

Settling into life in England and more encouraging visits from great friends & family!

Thank you for all you prayer, support and encouragement we could not be serving Europe without you! We are very grateful for you all in our lives!!!


Anonymous said...


Just checking in on you hope all is well.. I am a waiting the wonderful news....missing you guys..

love Abigail,Leon, Julia and Noah

tmosh said...

such a fun collage! i hear you are coming to canada in july, can't wait to see all 3 of you!

Just Me said...

YAY for one year...come home now. Ang almost brought her cell downstairs for her massage incase you called about baby Zerr...come home you like my subliminal messages?...come home now.

MoldableClay said...

yah, we're both gettig extremely excited about baby coming...whenever that might be! And coming to Canada to introduce our little one to everyone will be soo great- but subliminal Jenn?! Really?! Just call me already, would you!!!

Anonymous said...

hi jae,
thanks for checking on me. i have been thinking about you lots lately and checking your site every day.
i have 19 days to go and feeling it. she is starting to drop a little now. my bag is about ready and hers is too. we are just waiting now. Nathan's 30th is next wednesday and i have a wedding on the 5th so it would be nice if she waited til the 6th. they have a mind of their own though.
hope you go soon and that it's pretty low key for you.
love ya

Anonymous said...

Love the collage . I can hardly wait to see you both and BABY!! Love,mom

Just Me said...

I would like to call you now. Tim left for hockey windup night. Good time for me...bad time for you (like what...3 am where you are!?) said...

wow, one whole year! and what a year!! well, you've gone a long way and more is to come.
your british babe is now officially late, eh? their excuse is, i guess, that it's the average tendency. oh well, s/he just wants to wait till our arrival...
so shel is in serbia until tuesday and i was called to see another place today. and i loved it. so i put down a deposit, again. we'll see what happens...monday. i should be applying for the mortgage then. all without my hubby here. please pray for us if you're not gone into labour yet! (in which case you have enough to pray for!) :-)
love ya.