Saturday, May 10, 2008

Cycling Expedition

Mom's been going on about wanting to take me on a bike ride, something about waiting for her bike, fixing her bike after it fell off the car onto the highway on the way home from the shop and then hitching my trailer up to her bike...So I guess we had finally heard the end of this whole saga and were finally ready to roll (literally!) So it was Monday last, a bank holiday and mom had arranged a bike trip with Judith and we were all to go cycling to Coombe Abbey and stop for a tea or something I figured (I've learned that this is what ladies like to do with their spare time!) So we were off, cycling to the lovely land of lush green fields, stream of swans and gardens of glory! However all of a sudden I feel this rattle tat tat, and suddenly the stability I once felt beneath me was gone! Mom came to a screeching halt and began muttering " oh dear, oh no!" Well the nut on her back spoke bearing had come loose and my trailer hitch had followed suit! (fortunately my trailer had a double safety, or so mom says!) We were not impressed to say the least! Anyway Judith had to cycle all the way back home to get the car, and that was that. The cycling trip as we knew it was over! But while Judith cycled home, I got to enjoy my snack and drink, so life wasn't all that bad for me. Then I just got a ride home with Judith while mom cycled uphill all the way home without even getting to Coombe Abbey for tea! I'm not sure why, but as soon as we got home, mom packaged up the trailer back into its box, and now I sit in a bucket seat right behind least we still get to go biking, I think I could get used to this cycling thing, after all, mom says I'd better!


tmosh said...

oh my! what an adventure! Thankfully everyone is safe

Anonymous said...

caleb I love the way you tell that story. You made me really laugh and laugh. Nana-R