Thursday, February 19, 2009

Villa, Villa, Villa

Another day has come and gone now. And our routine is very similar every day, but different stories evolve in them. But the great part is that our whole team was back together again. Taylor and Carly joined us. Holly joined us later in the day. Shawnee and Letitia brought the testimonies today to the students, and like everyone else did a great job. I really love how attentive these students are when listening to their stories. The cool part is that our students are doing their testimonies non-verbatum. They are leaving their notes behind and just flowing with whatever God brings back to mind with what they wrote in the beginning.
Our morning sessions are developing quite nicely. We even had a mom from the community come and play football with us. The best part is she was so aggressive, not backing down to any male on the floor. She would be knocked down, but would get back up. She even scored the game tying goal on Micah. Please ask him about that. The cool part is that her son was playing with us - a mother/son tandem.
This afternoon we went back into Camp Hill to distribute the last of the flyers. This is our bus ride getting over there. You can see you noticed.This picture shows the land scape but it is only a minor part. This area is much more larger. We had some time doing acts of service for their community. We picked up garbage and kids who we have made relationship with showed up to help us do this. That is very unique.
I was able to get the camera out today, but still need to be discreet in it. It is sensitive especially when children are around because of legalities within families.
The Chess Center is where our home base is when it comes to Camp Hill. It is where we play sports, make food, and hang out. A multi-million dollar facility, which is barely touched by the community - very weird situation. But this is where we spend our afternoons.
And then it was off to Brimingham in the evening where we would all witness one of the most amazing events in our lives - a European Football Match. This blew the doors off of any Canadian hockey team and its fans. 40,000 people, all singing, cursing everything under the sun when the play didn't go their way. It was sensory overload - I loved it and so did all of our students. The funny part was all of their singing was to church hymns, nursery rythmes and holiday songs. They of course create their own lyrics, we even had the song When the Villa Go Marching In. The team was Aston Villa - the only Premiereship Team that sponsors a Christain organization (very unheard of). Anyway our team decided to buy lots of Villa sports stuff.
We then headed home to bed.
Pray: We are past day 4 which means we should be losing our fatigue factor, so they say. So everyone seems to be coming around. But pray for attitude and attack of the enemy. We recognized our defenses were down yesterday - and it showed in us. We have been walking through the armor of God in church, maybe pray along those lines. Have a great day, talk to you tomorrow.

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