Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Traeton Wyatt Zerr

Hello Friends,

here is our newest addition Traeton Wyatt Zerr. He was born at 8:23am and weighed 8lbs exactly. He had some fluids on his lungs and has spent the day so far in the NICU. He is recovering very well and hopefully will be able to come to see mom in an hour or two to start feeding. Jae is doing great just really wanting to spend sometime with her new boy!!!!

I have been able to spend much time with him in the NICU and he has had some family visiting already. He is a big boy with good sized feet and hands. Looks like we may have 3 boys the same size in no time. Caleb was really excited to meet his new brother and has been so great with him already. Jaden has to wait till tomorrow as he was not allowed to go into the NICU.

Thanks for all you prayers!!! Please keep praying for Janelle & Traeton's fast recoveries.

Proud dad,

Ronnie †

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