I have received the loveliest reminder this past week of the beauty and importance of friendships. Everything from the sermon at church to my daily readings to some CDs that I was listening to... really friendships are essential in our lives. We were made to be in fellowship and friendship. We actually need friends- we're not capable of doing life without them. Even Jesus had friends. He had a large group of people He fellowshipped with, a smaller group of 12 and those much needed intimate friends, His group of 3!
It's so true that honesty is a key element in a friendship. I think we all long for those safe places to share our hearts and still be loved. I know that it can be the hardest thing at times to open up with those vulnerable truthes, but then it always seems to be the most freeing, fulfilling thing to me to have my secrets released or my deep feelings embraced or my twisted thoughts understood.
I also believe that to have great friends we must be one first. Kinda like an example on a CD I was listening to by Helen Burns- its like a bank account. You can't always be withdrawing and withdrawing from a friendship, you need to make deposits too, or naturally there will be nothing left in your account (friendship). I find it so beautiful that God is a God of relationship. That He's designed us to NEED relationship. Although in relationships there is always risk, I find the rewards are greater and personally I LOVE needing people. I love how all my different friends fill a different void in my life. They all know me in different unique ways and are able to invest into my life in so many diverse ways.
My prayer is that I will be able to do the same in your lives! I'm asking you, my friends, if you would be willing to be honest with me, to open your hearts to me...I will be working on the same!
- Naturally I realize that it is not realistic to be ultra close with everyone, but that's why there's different circles, layers - and "everyone loves parfait"(For those who are clueless, its a quote from Shrek).