Sunday, June 11, 2006

Look, Listen, Feel

Well it's been a busy but wonderful three weeks with my mom! I must admit though, its been great to rest yesterday and today from the business and fulness (physically and emotionally) that they brought. I've found myself having a lot to process today. Its interesting isnt it how you sometimes learn more about yourself while trying to learn about others. I find I always learn so much while with family. Maybe its because we all resemble each other a little more than we think. I feel asthough I've put lots of 'processing' on hold while out and about visiting with mom. I don't know about any of you, but it seems that 'business' in general tends to do that- rob us of some of those precious 'thought moments' or 'processing life' or maybe just the moments to sit and relax and drink in what God has created for us to enjoy or hear what is being spoken to us (likely in that still quiet voice). I feel that already, just being here a few months, God has stirred soo much in me. That I'm growing and needing to learn that much faster or something.... Amazing what starts to stir in our hearts when we actually take time out to listen, to think, to dream, to understand... That's my goal for the week (amungst cleaning the house for our next visitors-I'm so excited Ang!!!, finalizing some nursing decisions-please pray for me- and finish settling in the last of our boxes, which yes, did arrive safely a couple weeks ago) Right, that's my goal for the week, to MAKE time to look,listen, feel the breath of God! (Funny, just like in CPR- sorry, I'm a nurse!!)


Just Me said...

I like you...can you come to Tim's bday party in July? He's turning 30!! Maybe you guys could come over and play some cards? Miss you...can you tell? You suck, cause now I have tears...I don't cry...honestly...

MoldableClay said...

Ahh Jenn I miss you too! And I like you too!!! Cards sound like fun...but please don't make me cry now.
Nice coment Monique- thanks.

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