Monday, May 15, 2006

Happy 28th Birthday Ronnie!!!

I’d like to wish my wonderful husband a very blessed birthday today! My prayer for you Ronnie is that it would be a year of stepping into destiny. Stepping into the fullness of the man God created you to be. I pray for discovery of your true heart and passions and fulfillment of your dreams. I pray for a peace and a joy that only God can give! I pray for strength for your trials and perseverance to see them through. For a celebrative and thankful heart for all the blessings and gifts that await you in the year to come. I pray that you will be used mightily by God for His purposes and that His grand favor would rest upon your shoulders at every step. I pray that our love would deepen with every sunrise and that your faith would grow strong as a “tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the streams”(Jeremiah 17:8). Happy Birthday Ronnie- I love you!!!

Here we are celebrating with some of our wonderful new friends! Anna and Sheldon Armitage and
their daughter Mia.

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3 comments: said...

Happy B-day again! What a privilege to celebrate your first british bday with you; and already, as great friends! Be blessed and live your life to the fullest! A+S+M

Jae :-),
We love you!

"Mom" (from armitagecafe),
Can't wait for your arrival and our meeting. We'll have a blast when you are here! You're gonna LOVE their place, it's beautiful and comfy all at the same time. Your daughter is AMAZING! She made her own fab is that??

And everyone else back in Canada,
THANKS so much for sending us this great couple! We know it was a diffcult sacrifice from all their family and friends but we are so blessed to have them!


Just Me said...

YAY for Ronnie's birthday...I am so glad that you guys got to celebrate with friends! Wish it were us, but no the less happy! Happy Birthday Ronnie, thanks for joining me at level's great up here!! Would you like me to send you a mango cheesecake? I don't know if it will taste good by the time you get it...I guess it's the thought that counts?!

MoldableClay said...

Wow, way to make us feel loved! Thanks from Ronnie for all the B-day wishes too!...yes I did make the cake (it tasted pretty good and it was even low fat!)..and yes those pictures were taken in our house. Sorry I know I need to take some pictures and post them already, I just was wanting to do the 'before and after' pictures. But if I don't get the before pictures I'll just post the after ones anyways. Well tons of love to all you wondrous friends and family!