Letter from Serbia
Please read this letter that we received from a gypsy church planter in Serbia I hope it is encouraging to you:
Dear brothers and sisters,
I want to share with you the great joy and tell you what the Lord does among His children.
We have one young man in our church who had leukemia, he was very young, only 22, but he already had two children (you know that Gypsy people get married early). He came to church with his wife and he could hardly stay for the service, beacuse of the big pain that he felt. That day we had the annointing service, as the Bible teaches. We prayed for this young man. He was crying and told me that he thought he would die, because he had leukemia, and was affraid for his children.
I asked him if he believed that the Lord Jesus Christ can heal him, and he said that he did, because he heard that the Lord has helped to so many people in the church. Few days after he came to me with tears of joy, and told me that he went to the hospital for a check-up and that the doctors told him that he doesn’t have leukemia. He brought the diagnostics from before and after the praying. Now he servs in the church, full of joy and praises the Lord for His love.
This is what the Lord does for His people.
Yours in Christ
Selim Alijevic
Gypsy Fellowship