Monday, August 07, 2006


Well I have successfully completed my nursing course, and managed to do extremely well on it as well. (Thank GOD- literally!) Now comes the applying for a job part. I have begun already trying to find all the job postings and have been calling around. Not many leads, but a few. The nursing situation in my area is actually not in a employing state- unfortunately. The National Health Service (NHS) has been cutting some nursing positions and implementing hiring freezes in an attempt to deal with certain hospitals' overbudget spending. Sounds like a great solution to me- just get rid of all the nurses, that'll help things run effeciently (yah, right, not really a great idea at all!!!) Anyways, so things are a little grim. But God has seen me through thus far and I know that He has some great job for me somewhere!!! So I'm out to find it! But continued prayers from those willing would be sooo greatly appreciated. This job hunting process is not something that I view as one of my strengths, so I'm praying for patience to hold out for the right job and not to get desperate and just take whatever, yet for the perserverance and boldness to just go for it when needed. I'll be keeping you posted!!!! Thanks for all your support!

P.S. We did have a lovely anniversary together! Thanks for all the special wishes & blessings!!!

5 comments: said...

Congrats on the completion! You are fantastic!! We are praying now for the right job and fast. You said it, God will help you through this. In spite of the current situation and reality, there is a perfect place for you out there and you will get it and be happy in it, I am sure of it. All the best and lots of fun in the process. This is just another adventure for you, Jae. Perhaps not as exciting as I don't know, rock-climbing (!), but you'll make the best of it, as you always do! Love ya. Anna

gin said...

JAE!! Congrats! After I long dry spell of not chatting with you my friend and having no internet access, I am overjoyed to hear that you have completed the course with success! How's your brain doing? Now the next part of the journey, searching for a job when it seems there are no jobs, will end of being another test of faith and reliance on the one who is OUR PROVIDER....Jehovah-jireh...He will provide! Keep enjoying fellowship with Him as I have been reminded over and over inthese past days...isnt that what problems are meant to do draw us back to the one who longs for our realationship! I will be praying for you....and cant wait to catch up!

MoldableClay said...

Oh Gin, so glad to have you back!!! So true, so true- faith in action ultimately growing us deeper in faith and character and closer to the ONE we love! love you too,

Just Me said...

YAY for being we'll just pray for that job!

Vanessa said...

That's fantastic Janelle!!! There was never any doubt that you would do well! Keeping you and your career future in my prayers.