Monday, September 11, 2006

trust ME

Man, I feel so panicky- when on earth will I get a job?! Each day feels like such a tease- hearing nothing, no leads, no work. What if I never find a job? Was all this nursing paper work for nothing?

Don't worry about tomorrow, it'll take care of itself.
Each day has enough problems of its own . (Matt. 6:34)

But what about the rent, groceries, our car needing to be fixed?

Look at the birds. They don't work, save and scrounge up every penny, YET I feed them! Are you not worth soo much more? (Matt. 6:26)

Yah, I know that you love me dearly and that You're more than capable of providing for us....I mean that's what you've done all along, but...

But what?! Don't spend your time worrying about what you'll eat, drink, or wear. Instead just focus on Me- on My life, My love, My ways, and I'll take care of what you need. (Matt. 6:31-33)

So what do I do? Just sit and wait?

Ask. Seek. Find. (Matt. 7:7)

Ask- Ask me for what you need, ask me the tough questions, ask me who I am
- ask about jobs, ask hospitals, ask agencies

Seek- Seek Me, My life, My love, My ways, My heart, My plans
- seek out applications, job opportunities, nursing agencies, new postings

Find- Find Me- My provision, My peace, My love, My guidance, My plans
- find a job?!

Thanks. As hard as this is right now, Your Word is really reassuring!

Everyone who asks receives, and everyone who seeks finds. And seriously, if mere men know how to give good gifts to their children, how much more capable do you think I, your heavenly Father, am to give you, my children who are asking me, what is good. (Matt. 7:11)

Thank you. I love you.

I love you more than you can imagine! (John 3:16)(1 John 4:7-11)


Vanessa said...

Wow, thanks Janelle. Thanks for sharing your heart/spirit conversation. You are such a blessed encouragement. Our God is SO good!! :) Continuing to pray for you.

Just Me said...

We are still praying and will continue to until we hear the good you guys. God will continue to take care of you...He lead you there-he isn't going to leave you now!

MoldableClay said...

Thanks to all for all your prayers. We are soo grateful for all of you!

Anonymous said...

GODISFAITHFULL!!Hindsightis20/20but,our vision is dim when walking in faith. 35 yrs.ago I had the perfectjob,then for many reasons the next 20 yrs. that"perfect"job eluded me. To make a long story short,I asked Jesus to help me be His hands, His feet,His heart in places that I needed to be. I always had a job,most of which I would neverhavechoosen,BUT(hindsight all were a blessing,especially to me..Growing.!!You are definitely praying right,SEEK HIM FIRST!!LOVEU

Jenna said...

Hi Ronnie and Janelle
I really enjoyed this post. Thanks.

MoldableClay said...

Thanks so much for all the encouragement. It helps us soo much to hear encouraging words and have all your support.

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for posting that you have no idea how much I needed to read that and think about it God bless you both
-another in christ