Friday, November 10, 2006

Back in Jolly Ol' England.

After what seems like two days solid of sleep and laundry, it hit me today that we're indeed back in England (after a brilliant time visiting in Canada-man, we love you all soo much!!!). After the realization that there was absolutely nothing in our fridge this afternoon other than some Ketchup and Soya Sauce (and some other varying condiments) it was apparent that a quick trip to the village centre was inevitable to at least pick up a few staples before the big Tesco grocery shop to replenish our shelves. So I threw on a hoody and a scarf and out the door I went (Notice I didn't say my big winter parka and boots!). As I continued out our front door onto the sidewalk, a friendly smile and wave caught my attention before I could get too far. (Our block of row housing all faces inward towards a park, creating a nice neighborly feel. This also means that you pass all your neighbors front kitchen windows as you pass along the sidewalk, at a much closer proximity than your typical sidewalk. Therefore I always recieve plenty of waves and smiles and visits on my strolls into town.) Anyways, so my lovely neighbor Fran quickly openend her kitchen window to facilitate some nice neighborly british chatter. Of course she had noticed that I had been gone and guessed that I might have returned home for a visit. And since I hadn't had the chance to tell her our exciting news yet, I quickly proceeded to gush out that I was pregnant, as I'm sure only a newly expectant mother does... Hence proceeded from Fran's mouth my realization that I was indeed back in England...but sorry, I can't repeat what she said! No, not because it was foul, course language that a missionary should never repeat, but beacuse I had no idea what 3/4 of the words were!!! Seriously, I know that she was excited for me, and that they were good things that she was saying, but who knows what she actually said?! Jolly well...and bonny were the only ones I caught. She can't wait for me to start looking bonny...or something to that affect. Hopefully I'll look good "bonny"?! Will someone let me know when and if I start looking "bonny" and if I should be doing something about it?!


Anonymous said...

hi auntie jae. and uncle ronnie. i wish we could see you. why couldn't you come to vancouver? you were in the same country! yes, i know canada is big. mommy and daddy told me. but i miss you, too. well, we'll see you soon. i'll definitely remember you. and boy, do i need a haircut!! i'll even give kisses. oh, and my parents say they want to go out on friday with you. i wish i could come as well. but it's a big people outing so tough luck. have a good weekend and week. we're back on tuesday afternoon.

MoldableClay said...

Can't wait to see you Mia! I'm so glad you'll remember us! And a night with mom and dad sounds really great!! See you soon.

Just Me said...

Hee hee...I like bonny and jolly ol'. We don't say any fun words like that here! When, I say, when can I begin saying bloody 'ell? When? SIDENOTE: If that is inappropriate talk for a missionary blog, you can delete this comment:)